the start of the end | Teen Ink

the start of the end

November 30, 2023
By Anonymous

if anyone ever asked about
you and me, i’d tell them that we were a
shot in the dark, two strings
unraveling that were never
tied in
the first place
because you would never think
of me as someone you’d
like to be
with, to you i’m just little Angelie
who happens to hang around in the same
place after school
and the girl who is four years younger
because to
you i’m a little freshman while you’re
out there
fighting dragons in your last year
of high school
but you never gave a second thought to me
how dare you be so annoyingly
cute and funny don’t you
know there
might be little freshman
who notice you?
we never really ever even interacted
that much
but darling i’ve loved you since i first set
my eyes on you way back
when I was in seventh grade
you were
a sophomore and so devastatingly
out of reach
but you had big brown eyes and were
prettier than any fifteen
year old i’ve ever seen
cute glasses that made your eyes even
bigger like a golden retriever
and boy when you
opened your
mouth to say “hi angelie” it felt like lightning
struck me a thousand and a thousand
times again
it’s been almost three years since that day
and i still replay
it in my mind like a tape
burned into my memory
especially now
when you’re a senior
and every moment you make
might be
the last i ever get to see i don’t
think you
realize how much you mean to me just a little
freshman but i
think about you more times than
you could count
cause baby if love were an ocean
i’d drown so you can float
and people might call me dumb for sitting in my room at 3am writing
stupid love poems about you instead of
chasing my feelings but
i know that you’d never do that i
know that you’d sit down next to
me and tell me that i missed
a word
or that i used the brackets wrong
because we’re both total nerds when
it comes to writing
but that’s just it you’d help me
with my poem and think nothing more of it
you’d never even realize how
fast my heart
was beating when you sat next to me
because i’m just a casual
friend not a buddy you
talk to
when things are rough
just someone you can laugh with
and i hate that’s all i am to you
and it’s not your fault
you can’t
reach inside my mind and pull out
my heartwrenching feelings for all the world to see
but i know i’ll never
tell you
because that would be dumb and embarrassing for me
i’m just going to cross my fingers
and hope we end up going to the
same college in the future
and maybe we’ll meet again
and again
i’ll be a freshman and you a senior
because all history can do is repeat
until the day we’re both dead
and gone
but darling i hope you know
i had the time of my life
fighting dragons with
dragons you didn’t even realize we fought
together but we did
i remember
and maybe one day
we can have a story that doesn’t start at
the end.

The author's comments:

Hi I’m Inez Tamayo! This is my first poem I’ve ever written! I wrote “The start of the end” about a character I created called Angelie who has such an intense crush on a guy who she will realistically never be with. I also managed to sneak in some song references, I hope you catch them!

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