Unnoticed | Teen Ink


December 11, 2023
By Anonymous

In a crowded room, i blend with the air, 

feeling invisible, like no one is aware. 

Lost in this world, going by unseen,

yearning for connection, oh, what a dream. 

My mind has been left to be, but it longs for more,

the feeling of comfort and ease.

Though i have put myself out there,

it is harder than it may seem.

I shower away this pain, in drops of rain,

as I watch my tears fall down the drain.

Someday hoping that this silence will break, 

and soothe my heart's longing ache.

Though i appear to be right here, i have drifted far away,

hoping to find a place where I can stay.

I yearn for more than the presence of my mind,

but no matter my desire,

i am always the one left behind. 

The author's comments:

I have had a hard time throughout high school fitting in with my peers, I moved away for two years and came back so I didn't really know anyone anymore once I was back in Bentonville. I wrote this poem to express the feelings I have felt throughout trying to make friends and fit in throughout my years in high school, also in hope that it can reach others who feel the same. 

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