The Silent Echoes of Prejudice | Teen Ink

The Silent Echoes of Prejudice

December 12, 2023
By Anonymous

Feeling judged, it is hard to bear,

Discrimination carries weight.

It’s so unfair.

Through hurtful words and biased eyes.

I wonder why.


Why am I being blamed?

I am bound to a leash.

Never to be set free

Confined by the invisible lines,

Do I let them define me?

I face the pain and start to rise.


In my heart determination seeps

I stand tall, and strong.

Defying prejudice,

Proving them to be wrong.


I won’t be defined by discrimination; I will break the chains.

And set myself free.

No more discrimination,

Let’s eradicate it.

Embrace the diversity,

In every case.

For unity we will stand.


Create a world that is truly grand.

With love,

And compassion

Together we will rise.

Strong and free.

The author's comments:

This piece is about issues in society and I picked discrimination because it is something i have dealt with. So I feel very strongly about it.

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