Life, a Color | Teen Ink

Life, a Color

December 18, 2023
By gabriellapence24 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
gabriellapence24 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The true color of this human life

As it courses through our veins

Encouraging pure compassion, want, envy

Where the deepest of desires stay

It holds equally this certain power

Of purest love; of truest hate 

The will to kill, of course…

Yet the choice of kindness, the same

Perhaps, it’s not the way 

leaves whistle in the wind

Or the gentle sound 

Made by every trickling stream

Yet, those colors lack life in the way that most counts

In the thumping rhythm innate within us

And the rosy glasses we’ve picked out

We paint this life with red.

The author's comments:

Our class prompt was to write about a color, and to describe it in multiple ways. I thought about how life is often described as the blue ocean and emotion, or the green trees and good fortune. I wanted to offer a different take on what color I view life as.

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