heaven is the woods behind my childhood home | Teen Ink

heaven is the woods behind my childhood home

December 19, 2023
By fortis-non-ferox BRONZE, Lake St. Louis, Missouri
fortis-non-ferox BRONZE, Lake St. Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

when i go:

scatter my ashes in that clear cold stream.

let the current take me down,


to that small place, 

where god stains her cheeks with river-clay

and cicadas scream sweet hymnals.

where life is raw and quiet and sublime

and the worms find heaven in 

the damp dark spaces.

i will scrape my knees on mossed concrete

wash the blood in the water like isaac upon the altar.

in that small place i am holy;

i am whole.

The author's comments:

I have a powerful nostalgia for places that cannot be returned to. The creek behind my old house still exists, but even if I were to go back there physically, I still could not go back. I am no longer a little girl; I have changed too much to truly return. This poem is an homage to the happiest place of my childhood, and a longing to find it again. 

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