Countdown | Teen Ink


December 20, 2023
By Anonymous

Hi, it’s me again ,
I’m sorry it’s been so long,
I miss you a lot.
I think of you every night.
When the light shines,
Till the night dies.
I miss the time we had together,
The days you’d pick me up.
When you treated me like a baby,
When my mom yelled at me.
The unnecessary drives at night,
The moonlight in the sky.
The money you gave me,
When I didn’t ask.
I still remember when you were in the hospital, And in the bed with tubes.
The tears going down my cheeks,
And on your shirt.
It’s been three years,
Three years since,

You left me.
You were the only person who got me, And now you're gone.
I cry every night,
Because you were my world.
You were everything to me,
You were mine.
I’ll never forget you,
And I’m waiting to see you again. When I heard the news,
I felt like I was alone in a dark hole. The only thing that calms me down, When I’m crying
Is saying 5,4,3,2,1.
And boom,
I feel you around me again.
I feel loved again.
By you,
my papa.

The author's comments:

This about my grandpa who I use to stay with during the summer and I realized how much I actually miss him.

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