Audiatur et altera pars (let the other side also be heard) | Teen Ink

Audiatur et altera pars (let the other side also be heard)

January 1, 2024
By Anonymous

I remember being told I can’t do anything right

A failure, a derelict, always incorrect

I strove to be better

For them, not me (for who is me?)

I remember being told I have no courtesy; so

I tried to hold open more doors

They want me to be kind (for what am I without kindness?)

I remember being told to listen; now

I hear all the yelling, towards me or not

They taught me to fade even fireworks (for what am I if not silent?)

I remember how it feels to be empty

A dry lake, an empty well, unable to cry

Unwilling? apathy under a years-perfected facade

They don’t know how I disappear (for what am I since I am no longer human?)

There are two sides to many things

Coins, doors

There are many sides to other things

Stories, dice

There are many sides to people

We choose what to show

Never believing we will fall

You ask me do I fear them?

My answer


You ask me do I love them?

My answer


The author's comments:

It's just some feelings.

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