Stand. | Teen Ink


January 4, 2024
By Rothert_Madison BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Rothert_Madison BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Watching you leave was hard

But missing you was harder

I didn’t know anything else 

Just that life was about to change 

And it was a constant reminder

A five year old girl with no one but her mother

Her dad overseas fighting for this country 

A time of sadness and dread

And prayers that he would still be alive tomorrow 

Staying up all night in agonizing sorrow

Hoping and waiting she could see him in the car home

Dreaming of a life with no worry or fear 

Feeling nothing but joy not ever shedding a tear

It aches her to know there's people out there

Who simply couldn’t care 

And that just doesn't seem fair 

Those who would never stand for the flag he once fought for

All they see is a man in uniform who is worn and torn 

And in that moment they completely shut the door

It sends pain through the body of the young girl who is now grown

Knowing she lived life without her dad 

And lived life in constant stress and pain

Just for people to bury the burden of those who fought 

Throw them away like an out of date mascot 

Careless and cruel 

Not caring about anything but the lase on their shoe

 Hear me or not I do not care 

Just please for that little girl out there

Stand for the wounded stand for them all 

Red spilling out all because of the fall

Stand for the bride dressed in all bright white

Stand for the little girl with the big blue eyes

Stand for the country and please do not surmise

The author's comments:

This poem is based on what I experienced as a young girl. My dad was in the military and it was very hard for me. I wanted to write this poem in hopes other young people who went through this can relate. 

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