Retail Therapy | Teen Ink

Retail Therapy

January 9, 2024
By Anonymous

The ease of shoving away the mess,

Countless piles of pants and papers scattered in distress,

hurling the blankets under the bed,

this is not the clean my mother said. 

My untidiness slapping me in the face,

Why can’t I be a symbol of grace? 

Tangled mess, brings me to a sigh,

excited to kiss my money goodbye.

Just put aside the mess at hand,

I'll buy a new shirt from another brand.

When the instant gratification disappears, 

Maybe another trip to Sears?

Sweeping it under the rug,

omg this new skirt fits so snug.

the soothing feeling of a swipe,

Now I understand the debt hype.

The calling to the mall 

just to comfort it all 

I yearn to escape the mess 

the only solution, a new vest.

The author's comments:

This piece is a reflection of how I cope with my issues in the world. I take the easy way out and buy countless items to make me feel better. This issues accumulate as well as my shopping addiction catches up to me.  

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