One to One | Teen Ink

One to One

January 9, 2024
By LightningHowl17 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
LightningHowl17 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I know not how to defeat my enemy. i know only how to defeat myself."

Awhile ago, i lived a story

This story, unfortunataly

ended poorly

And its very funny

That i found myself

In a pool

But this pool was odd-

When i fell, i hadn't felt wet

I felt upset-

This pool was neither blue nor clear

Suddenly, upset turned to fear-

Fear of where i am


What i am?

No, no that's not it

Its a new fear

Fear of sense, for that was what i was losing

"Why am i?

Do i say goodbye?

What does that say?

One to One?

no One to Three?

That feels right

No it does, does it not?

Can i fight?"

My confusion grew

it was dark as night

but suddenly

I saw a light

It started small

But it soon got bigger

It didn't feel warm-

Rather cold

I got this feeling in me-

Rather bold

And my bones-

They used to feel old

Now they started to grow

And the light grew

It grew bigger and bigger

It got stronger and stronger

My eyes became blinder and blinder


The pool changed

not a piece of darkness could be seen


I found the strength to start swimming for the top


I stopped suffocating in the darkness and started to breathe


i stopped panicking

And Suddenly-

I felt the air and the warmth of the sun-

For i had reached the surface.

The author's comments:

i wrote this during a time where i let go of things in my life. including pain and grief. i hope that whoever reads this will take comfort in the words.

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