Languages | Teen Ink


January 10, 2024
By jay-g BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
jay-g BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I only speak one language, but

if you speak to me in Spanish, I

might be able to respond, though

I grew up around English.

I only speak one language, but

if your gaze meets mine

the unspoken question 

I will find, and

yes, I promise, I am fine;

you know I know you know

that’s a lie.

I only speak one language, but

I can decipher your 

constant tears, and

I can see inside you the 

spinning gears that

might have rusted over the


I only speak one language, but

I know what it means

when you begin to shake your knee—

how hard it is to survive and just


I only speak one language, but

Your laugh is like a 

Hug, and

so warm is your smile, 

though it may be 

Smug, and

the way we embrace

makes me feel so

Snug, and

I only speak one language, 

but not because I’m intentionally uncultured,

But because body language,

and love language

those are unspoken.

The author's comments:

A dream that I have always had was to be fluent in many languages, but I've always, unfortunately, been monolingual. Until one day, I realized that body language, while not an official language, is one that I understand very easily. This poem ensued from that revelation.

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