Healing from love | Teen Ink

Healing from love

January 16, 2024
By Anonymous

Love, a language that needs no words,

A melody that sings like the birds.

Its in a glance, a gentle touch,

A feeling that means so so much

Love is the sunrise after a long day

A light that shines so bright.

Its the comfort in a warm embrace

The smile that lights up a face 

Love is the cougarge to let go of fear

The strength to wipe away a tear.

 the compass that guides us through,

In everything that we do.

So heres to love, in all its different forms

A form that transforms and reforms 

For love is lifes greatest gift

A power that can uplift.

A power that can bringhappyness to urlife. 

In other cases tho love is heartbreak.

The author's comments:

i am nancy i am 15 years old, im in a 1 year and 3 months relationship and that is what inspired me to write this poem from my personal experice with love and the ups and downs. tupas poetry also inpired me a lot how to put my emotions all in a poem.

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