My Beloved | Teen Ink

My Beloved

January 18, 2024
By LightningHowl17 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
LightningHowl17 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I know not how to defeat my enemy. i know only how to defeat myself."

My Beloved-

My Beloved-

Your beauty is unsurpassed-

you are the reason i wish to wake up, for one day i hope to wake up next to you-

Your words to me are my truth-

If you were to fall, i would flip heaven and hell, so you may land on the comfort of the clouds-

if you had to leave, i would spend the rest of my life growing your favorite flowers, so your stone will never lose the color of life like that of which you brought to mine-

There are so many "if's" yet with you i can only think of "when"-

When we are together, my problems leave when you smile-

When you are in my arms i see our future, for its so close within reach-

When i hear your name, its no longer a name, its a place-

My home-

The place where my love resides-

This poem can go on forever, for that is how much i love you-

My body would wither away before i would i run out of things to love about you-

My  love for you is unconditional-


You are forever a part of my soul and my heart, that is where you'll remain forever-

Yet i have nothing left to give you-

You already own my heart-

My strength-

My mind-

Every strand of hair-

You own it all, yet i would not ask for any of it back-

I want you to have it-

you deserve this love-

your more than enough-

And damn anyone who says otherwise-

your the reason the sun rises-

your the reason the moons shines-

your my reason-

My beloved

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