Fighting for a Place | Teen Ink

Fighting for a Place

January 19, 2024
By Anonymous

Ever since I was a a little girl there has always been a fight

Whether it be between my siblings

Hearing my parents fight

Fighting with myself 

Or fighting to keep friends.

Now all I know is the fight

I am always playing catch up with my grades

It never feels like enough

I wish time could slow down so it felt like less of a fight

I feel like there is a fight to be me 

But not make anyone else upset for it 

There is always someone who wants to fight 

Even when I have the best of days 

It always feels like a fight for happiness

One day maybe there won't be a fight

And I can just be me.

One day will be the day 

When I no longer fight for a place

In this world. 

The author's comments:

my name is juliana isaac im a 15 year old in 10th grader at luther burbank high school 

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