In this Bed | Teen Ink

In this Bed

January 21, 2024
By Id0ntkno8 BRONZE, Dar Es Salaam, Other
Id0ntkno8 BRONZE, Dar Es Salaam, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. Maya Angelou

In this bed,

I lie in this deep pit of despair I've lunged myself into,

 it slowly consumes my very being,

It eats my soul,

my mind,



In this bed,

I remember how I was before,

Taking for granted the time I had left,

Disrespecting those who had loved me,

 and praising those who had scorned me.


I sit in this bed, wires poking out of me,

 experts pretending to know what is wrong with me,

what consumes me,

I know what it is,

The experts raise the prices promising explanations,

I have the explanation,

But they will never listen,

And once I leave this room,

They will learn.

The author's comments:

poetry has always helped me express my emotions this is the first time anyone but me will see this poem. it holds a part of my heart

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