Yellow Shoes | Teen Ink

Yellow Shoes

January 22, 2024
By NickGulisano BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
NickGulisano BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

helpful yellow shoes

put them on in a giving mood

When someone needs help on homework

when someone needs a pencil.

When you put on your helpful yellow shoes

Your what everyone is looking for

Like a shooting star at night

A person that will be their when down

Or give them a hug when frowning

You don't always have to put on yellow shoes

people wear their helpful yellow shoes more than others

Like wearing your favorite sweatshirt over again

always try to wear your helpful yellow shoes

you never know when you can make someone's day

doing a small deed 

Or being a huge help

The author's comments:

Being helpful

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