We Walk On Clouds | Teen Ink

We Walk On Clouds

April 18, 2024
By Anonymous

Cloud: a visible mass of particles of condensed vapor (such as water or ice) suspended in the atmosphere 

Suspended in the sky like floating tufts of divine cotton candy

Growing ever larger until they are too heavy to remain in the heavens

Until they fall back to the earth

Ready to repeat the cycle again 

I think it’s funny

How we can walk, the snow crunching beneath our fur-lined boots

How we can dance, twirling in the rain and laughing into the air endless blue expanse above

How we can grumble to each other, complaining about the bad weather 

How we forget, that the snow and the rain

That the hail and the sleet

Are the remnants of dying clouds  crunching beneath our feet

-Why do Humans Minimize the Extraordinary?

The author's comments:

People are made of stardust. You and I are made of the same stuff as the giant orbs of fire that brighten our night skies. We look up at night, at the stars, and we wonder at the immense beauty of the universe. But we can still look in the mirror and not see how beautiful we are. Life is about recognizing your place in the world, an important and crucial piece in the balance of the cosmos. Life would be less beautiful without you. It's time we recognize the beauty in the everyday, don't mistake common for ordinary. Take rain and snow for example. Water falling from the sky, how amazing is that? We walk on clouds. And that's beautiful/

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on Apr. 21 2024 at 11:55 pm
JustAnotherAngstyTeen BRONZE, Sheridan, Wyoming
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
And here you are living<br /> despite it all<br /> -rupi kaur

That's so beautiful! It's important to remember the little things are beautiful too!!