Belong | Teen Ink


April 19, 2024
By Isabella1217kat BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
Isabella1217kat BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
4 articles 6 photos 2 comments

This is thy hour, oh soul. 
What’s happening in front of you is just illusion, 
don't make it a big deal, you’ll find a solution. 
But now, 
away from drama, 
I don’t want karma. 
This is thy hour, oh soul 
away from books, 
away from phones, 
away from math, 
away from works. 
Leave the house, 
it's not a big deal, 
it's your time, just go outside. 
I celebrate myself, 
I sing myself. 
For what I assume, 
you should assume.  
I love myself, 
I invite my soul, 
I lean in to observe the spread of summer. 
My fingers, 
my tongue, 
my eyes,  
my hair,  
and even each atom of my blood, 
belong to this soil, this air. 
Fetch a handful of grass, 
it's itchy, like summer mosquito bites. 
it's burning, reminding me that I’m alive! 
What about math? 
I don’t know. 
All I know is that I’m here, 
I’m alive! 
How will the world end? 
I’m not sure. 
But to the tally of my soul, 
I know I won’t end. 
The yelling, screaming, blaming, accusing, manipulating, criticizing doesn’t kill me. 
But what does, 
is me, myself, I. 
Words, they pile up. 
Listen, read, and comprehend them as if it was a blind date. 
You never know their intentions, 
but you can’t reject them. 
Some seem smart, but they’re offensive. 
Some seem gorgeous, but they’re only gorgeous. 
Some seem odious, and indeed, they are obnoxious. 
Who will I date? 
What are their intentions? 
What would I receive? 
I don’t know. 
The chirping of the brown birds dragged me back to reality. 
Each chirp, loud and strong. 
Loud in the pines and the cedars. 
Clear in the freshness moist and the swamp-perfume. 
While my sight that was bound in, 
and my eyes wide-opened, 
as to long panoramas of visions, 
I saw how the world would end. 
I saw my date from the blind date. 
I saw impecuniousness as well as opulence. 
I saw the itchiness as well as the burning. 
I saw my soul. 
I’m alive! 
Alive on planet Earth! 
And by the end of the day, 
I go back to all those math work phones books drama, 
and it’s going to be alright. 
Because I belong somewhere. 

The author's comments:

This poem is about appreciating life, and always acknowledging that no matter what happens, it's all going to be fine. Just spend some time alone with the nature.

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