What Every Teenage Hmong Girl Should Know | Teen Ink

What Every Teenage Hmong Girl Should Know

May 22, 2024
By momol0rrrrr BRONZE, Ankeny, Iowa
momol0rrrrr BRONZE, Ankeny, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“When we’re in charge of our own stories, amazing things happen.” <br /> - Awkwafina

When your family is hosting a big party, be prepared to wash all the dishes.

Remember not to eat too much to where Poj calls you "fat" or too little to where Poj keeps filling your plate up with food.

Be prepared to not be able to date all of high school, but for your parents to take you to Laos and Thailand to find a husband after you graduate if you can't find love.

"You will always be a failure" will constantly be on replay in your mind.

To make your parents happy, you have to be "Nyab 10K" material.

Maybe your mom will cook Khao Piak for you, your dad will call you "princess" - 

Then easily yell at you

within the next hour.

The author's comments:

Hello everyone! My name is Mollie Lor. I am a first generation Hmong child from refugee parents. Being a first generation has its struggles. I mean it. My parents always expect me to be perfect when I'm really not. They want me to understand everything in my culture and I try to, but they never even taught me Hmong growing up; which has lead me to be really embarrassed about speaking Hmong now because I don't know how to pronounce things correctly. This piece is something I think a lot of Hmong girls can relate to. In Hmong culture, women are the caretakers. They are the heart of the home and do all the house work. A "Nyab 10K" was a term that was used back in the day ALL THE WAY BACK on the motherland(Laos, Thailand, China, and Vietnam). Back in the day, men would have to pay 10K to marry a women who knows how to do EVERYTHING. Like the women would have to know how to cook, clean, take care of children, kill animals for food, perfectly clean a chicken, all the classic house wife things. A lot of Hmong OG's really stick to this tradition, especially if they are still Shaman. Also, the whole thing about going back to Laos and Thailand to find a husband IS REAL! A lot of the time, men from Laos and Thailand will only want to "marry" you just to come to the US. They most likely will leave you once they get their citizenship. The whole part in the beginning is VERY much true. Every time my parents want to host a big party, even my birthday, me and my sisters are ALWAYS stuck with doing the dishes. Even ON MY BIRTHDAY! Crazy, right?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 13 2024 at 1:10 pm
momol0rrrrr BRONZE, Ankeny, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“When we’re in charge of our own stories, amazing things happen.” <br /> - Awkwafina

Hey guys! I’m aware that “Phauj” is spelt wrong- DON’T COME AT ME😭