Everything, We've Given Up | Teen Ink

Everything, We've Given Up

July 28, 2024
By amritav BRONZE, Fremont, California
amritav BRONZE, Fremont, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everything, We’ve Given Up

Even in our dreams, we can’t seem to find peace

Sometimes this feels like a never

ending cycle of giving and never 

receiving or reciprocating 

If we could put ourselves in each others’ shoes 

For one day, you become the troubled child with 

no vision for the past, present, or future

I’ll become the mad,

The madly in love parent who’s willing to give and take wholeheartedly,

Painful attempts to solve puzzles with forever missing pieces, 

Our tears seem to never dry,

Things will not go back to the way they were,

Change lies in acceptance

The author's comments:

A poem about family troubles and their complexities.

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