Oblivion | Teen Ink


July 28, 2024
By _aashnajain23 BRONZE, Sandton, Other
_aashnajain23 BRONZE, Sandton, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To dare is to do"

Death is a luxury 

known to a fortunate few, 

in darkness it searches, 

for a new prey to pursue. 


Guttural and raw, 

it may seem so, 

but in its grasp,

none try to let go. 


They say death is dark, 

black and coarse. 

Perhaps it’s ethereal, 

a creature with remorse.


In its embrace 

there lies a quiet reprieve, 

a goodbye to all, 

and the bodies that grieve. 

The author's comments:

I have always believed that death is not ugly, or something to frown upon. Rather, it is a circle of life. We do not look at a mother giving birth and feel disgusted or upset. It is beautiful and natural. So is death. Why disgrace death? I like to believe that everything happens for a reason, and death too, has a reason. No one likes to die, but perhaps our lives would be unfulfilled without it. In another perspective, death is the finish line to life. 

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