Evolutionary Chronicles | Teen Ink

Evolutionary Chronicles

August 29, 2024
By prernavanga BRONZE, Bettendorf, Iowa
prernavanga BRONZE, Bettendorf, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

through trials and triumphs,

the very existence of humans is a miracle

everything was so perfectly aligned

the elements, the moon, the sun,

the cosmic artist creates a home,

forming a sanctuary amidst the void

it happened so flawlessly,

chemicals, in their primordial dance, 

became sentient organisms

which became humanity

humans were made for the earth

crafted with meticulous precision,

tailored ever-so perfectly, but now

we hold the power to shape our destiny

and to nurture the fragile labyrinth of life

The author's comments:

Many take the universe and feel small or insignificant. I, on the other hand, feel remarkable. Out of everything I could be, I am myself. The obstacles that humanity as a whole surpassed is extraordinary and one-of-a-kind.

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