Changing The World | Teen Ink

Changing The World

September 23, 2009
By KelcNB BRONZE, Clackamas, Oregon
KelcNB BRONZE, Clackamas, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We all need to help out,
its what its all about.
so don't be in dout.
and hears what its all about.

When your walking down the street,
don't be shy,
just say hi to everybody that walks by
cause you don't know when,
everything could be gone in a blink,
of an eye.

So we all need to help out ,
its what its all about.
so don't be in dout.
and hears more of what its about.

we could all help out an clean the neighborhood,
so the community willl look good.
and not look like the ghetto flippen hood.

So we all need to help out ,
its what its all about.
so don't be in dout.
and hears more of what its about.

turning to god,
will show you the way.
you just have to pray.
and he'll help everyone in his own special way.

So we all need to help out ,
its what its all about.
so don't be in dout.
and hears more of what its about.

Those are just a few big things that need to be changed.
but hears a list of more things to be rearranged.
giving to charity.
helping bums with food not money!
conforting others
doing jobs for others for free
advising others
saying hi
picking up garbage you see
and helping others

So we all need to help out ,
its what its all about.
so don't be in dout.

The author's comments:
For this poem I had to write it in an english class about changing the world. I also have always wanted my writting published in a magazine. And by writting this I hope people will put some of this in there head so we could all pitch in to change the world.

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This article has 3 comments.

KelcNB said...
on Oct. 7 2009 at 8:06 pm
thanks for the comment! Do I know u? Jus wondering cause i sent people emails to comment it and i was seein if u were one of them

on Oct. 7 2009 at 11:39 am
This poem really touched me. So insightful, heartfelt, and real. Great job!

WildThing said...
on Oct. 6 2009 at 6:47 pm
Omg This was one of the best poems i have ever read!!!