...Poetry maybe? | Teen Ink

...Poetry maybe? MAG

September 30, 2009
By veganfriend BRONZE, Flint, Michigan
veganfriend BRONZE, Flint, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I intend to live forever, or at least die trying." -Groucho Marx

I caught Leo fading fast as tired eyelids slide

Reliving an immortalized January under a warmer sky
to flourish beneath my favorite willow tree. Near the Pleiades
we pointed, discussing relevance of dams. of family. of travel.
Closing an eight month gap which changed only the number of miles between.
I missed that meteor; my eyes were closed. Silence was muffled by warmth.
to let down your guard and laugh.
to take off your glasses and cry.
attack and defense. nobility and desire.

I'd rather sink into this sloping ground with a heavy chest sighing,
becoming one with the moist grass. Your wool sweater collects every branch and leaf.
My throat collects every choke of disbelief.
“You know what I mean,” then
browsing for benches, laughing now that the city sleeps and cars question our midnight motives.

The clock relentlessly ticks of quiet reminders, not only of a night anticipating day,
but of a week rapidly disintegrating from present to past tenses. changing now to then
and do to did. Contemplating future, ­“tomorrow we will meet again.” (hoping you'll still be able to squeeze me in.) “A week is not enough, you know.
Your time is too stretched too thin.”
Constellations inevitably fade, bringing ­brilliant dreams to end.

The author's comments:
I'm not sure if this is considered poetry. But anyway, I wrote this after spending an evening with an old friend who had moved. I attempt to relive the moment, not just write it.

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This article has 1 comment.

Wolfayne said...
on Mar. 3 2010 at 12:08 pm
I don't know, but I think it is. After you get down to it anything can be poetry.

I think this is a fantastic peice, and I will happily tell you that you should keep writing. You're obviously really good at it.

I'd really like it if you could look at my work and tell me what you think. Thanks! ;D