From my friends. | Teen Ink

From my friends.

September 19, 2009
By GenuinelyMe BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
GenuinelyMe BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From my mother I learned to walk with my head raised high.
From my friends I learned to walk with my head hung low.
From my mother I learned that I was beautiful.
From my friends I learned that I was plain from head to toe.

From my mother I learned to be kind to people.
From my friends I learned to be cruel at will.
From my mother I learned to respect my body.
From my friends I learned how to swallow the pill.

From my mother I learned that the special boy would come.
From my friends I learned that first I had to go with anyone.
From my mother I learned that I was a pearl.
From my friends I learned that I was no one.

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