Ode to Number Six | Teen Ink

Ode to Number Six

September 25, 2009
By Anonymous

Alas I'm here again.
This pleasant spot in which I must sit, and ponder the reasons as to why I was forgone so easily.
Am I perhaps not good enough?
No, that couldn't be it.
Nor could it be that I am not pleasing enough.
For many a boy have come helplessly into my charms.
And found comfort within my...

The lucky five have traveled long and far,
And reached the spot to which they find me.
When they have wrought, they speak of it like a new world
A new spot, that no one has traversed.
Except for the five, of course.
A land filled with hidden pleasures and secrets
That lie behind...

Is there narry a number six who shall travel within this land?
Go off into the night, surrender their will
And fight to find the end?
Hark! Of course there is.
Never shall one be left out in the cold
Unless he should be lacking
In certain needs in which I...

Regardless of the fact that a number of the five,
The brave chosen ones,
Were lacking in these necessities.
I knew of nothing then.
My mind and body was unintelligent, and
Unsure of what there truly was to please
And soon came to realize that there lies more in...

So ode to you, number six. A body such as this is open for business
And asks humbly for your assistance. It would behoove you to comply.
And when this body is thrown out
By one who thinks they need not what I cant give
And seeks others, and travels farther away from my charms;
When that body is thrown out, it craves.
And indeed it asks for others to plant their...

So fear not if I shall invite you in, number six.
Fear not, for I will.
I shall open the door warmly and greet you inside.
With a smile, pour you a fullsome cup of tea
Or would you prefer coffee?
No short conversation, nor discussion of your travels, I need not know your name.
And henceforth, you will become one of the chosen ones, when you...

The author's comments:
Meant to be read ironically, ha ha.

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