Taste of Fear | Teen Ink

Taste of Fear

September 26, 2009
By Anonymous

I taste fear
as I entered love
not knowing what to do
what to say

he keeps an arm around
holding me close
saying he will never hurt me
is that true?

Can I believe him?
I don't think I can
I've been hurt too many times
to believe anyone anymore

I know I am going to get hurt
so why am I still with him?
I can't answer that question
I will never be able to

The fights we have
angry, violent fights
hurt me each day
but I am still with him

my body, my mind
can't take it any more
I'm hurting to breathe
but I sit and follow him

I do what he says
he says drink ,I drink
he says smoke, I smoke
he says do it, I do it

I follow him
why do I?
I felt wanted
I felt loved

I open my mouth
I get slapped across the face
I stand up
I walk away....

The taste of fear hurts
it's pain I couldn't take
I tasted fear but now
I washed it away....

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