Dont Need You | Teen Ink

Dont Need You

May 25, 2010
By Tokiohotelgirl BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
Tokiohotelgirl BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
whats a facebook?<br /> Bill Kaulitz

Life is cherished, love is found
Love is in all of us, waiting to be found

Love is not the end, but the beginning
Love is worth gold, and is never worth trading

Love is not knowing what comes near,
but love is holding onto things you hold so dear

Love can be heard, touched and seen
if you share it, oh the joy you'll bring!

Love is lost, love is found
Love in any way, can be shown, without making a sound

Love is a promise, and unbreakable vow
and through tough times, you'll find that love, someway, somehow

Love is a circle, with a beginning and no end
You'll take whatever life throws at you, every curve and bend

Love is unpredictable, free and grand
Love is forever changing, like the desert and it's sand

Love is fun, love is sad
Love is present, even when your mad

Love is a gift, a suprise everyday
You'll grow and develope it, in your own special way

Love is a feeling steady and sure
Once you feel it, there is no possible cure

Love is in friends, family and all
Love is a song, a heartwarming call

Love is a battlefield, or so they say
You must fight to keep it, all through the day.

Love is a secret, timy and small
While it also is a loud cry, heard by all

Love is a mystery, no one knows why
why you feel so happy, you jsut want to sigh

Love can be fun, or a dangerous game
It can burn bright, bright as a flame

Love can break hearts, and leave them in peices
It can crumble away, as it slowly deceases

Love can also build you hihg
so high, you feel wind as you fly

Love is fragile, so handle with care
It is a gift so precious and rare

But if all else fails, one thing is true
Love is a sincere feeling, I will always feel for you

The author's comments:
My grandma inspired me. I wrote this poem, cause she is so sweet and kind.

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