Taiwanese | Teen Ink


May 16, 2010
By JChang BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
JChang BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Asian culture spans many different countries,
from China, to Japan, to Korea,
all from the same continent
but each with its own unique little customs.
I was born in the Republic of China,
or better known as Taiwan,
the land where my mother grew up and
where the Nationalists fled after being attacked
by communists;
where much of my family lives and
where the summers feel like you just got
out of a shower, only twenty degrees hotter.
Taiwan is not a communist nation, however,
so why is it still called the Republic of China?
It’s not like we share the same currency,
or the same written language,
or the same government.
People often ask me where I’m from, and I am hesitant to respond,
not because I am ashamed of where that is, but because of
the possible variance of my answer.
Am I Chinese?
Am I Taiwanese?
I always thought Taiwanese didn’t exist since
I always considered myself to be Chinese.
We speak the same language, but
parts of it are written differently. It is a very complicated system.
I wish this issue would be settled to make my life easier.
My mother gave me the answer of us being “ethnic Chinese”,
whatever that means.

The author's comments:
My teacher had asked the class to write an inspiration poem from "Theme from English B" by Langston Hughes, and this is what I came up with.

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