Evolution | Teen Ink


September 11, 2010
By I.Hrty PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
I.Hrty PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
All I can do is just be me, whoever that is.<br /> -Bob Dylan

First the blow of the wave would feel indecent, secure; forwarded onto a board of blackened tint, allowing the genius to contemplate space inside an emotion, maps of scientific mathematics, inclusive towards understanding the field, governing a sore on your scalp. Conductor on the orchestra no.1, premature and sour, yet beautifully contained. Building an earth swollen with juices, cracked with the desire to make the others cringe but forgiving the emotion to persuade.
“This is it all along.”

The author's comments:
Relating the world of creation, one will often feel the spawn of new life, or the tension when creating.

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