Death of Youth | Teen Ink

Death of Youth

September 11, 2010
By I.Hrty PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
I.Hrty PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
All I can do is just be me, whoever that is.<br /> -Bob Dylan

Listen to me young one; those listening will soon forget hence the mystery of the unknown. Unknown is the right form of pronunciation reveling its standard context can only afford so little tragedy. Philosophy of the nature is forever deceased. Why this simple phrase said me, those beginning to shape over its lightweight context will describe the nature to all those who forget sinfully and they just tune in yet again to their radio stations and listen to the man in the box talk about the decline in the green paper and the gold nickels.
Philosophy by nature yes, but I have long quit, the many cheaters of the mouth see me dead as air, this makes sense of course, leaving the book to accompany the ride of a lifetime on the Macintosh, and punch the many keys in order to receive food.
“Here you sit my friend, the path ends here for me, don’t get lost, take it all in.”
Sitting I did forever, sitting I will continue till the earth meets my structure. The others work the same as I did, out in the night speaking in tongues that will surely be blocked by the mind and ears. Younger they will stop, those begging the work shall forget.

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