Point Blank Period | Teen Ink

Point Blank Period

September 13, 2010
By Mr.Russell27 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
Mr.Russell27 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Being me is a gift and a curse because even though I'm the best they wish me the worst.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste,
but why do I feel that all of my memory fall into a one-way receptacle where I can't retrieve it,
can you believe it?
I almost thought that was possible
but I know deep down that if I really want to find it
all I have to do is be a little open-minded,
see the truth lies behind a lightly opacified lie,
so as much as you want to make yourself believe somthing,
you'll always see straight through to what's real,
and when you learn to accept it you open your eyes to a whole new perception of life,
a realist is what you're likely to become,
have you ever noticed that it's easy to remember something you want to for get and vice versa,
you probably try to cover that somehting up with the opacified lie that you can see straight through,
maybe it might be easier to skip that lie and see the truth clearly the first time,
see what it is that makes you want to forget that truth,
see that it'll be what it is even if you try to block it out,
see that life will still be life,
point blank period.

The author's comments:
A lot of people try to avoid the truth by making believe it's something other than what it really is.

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