Through a child's eyes | Teen Ink

Through a child's eyes

October 14, 2010
By baileymartin BRONZE, Independence, Louisiana
baileymartin BRONZE, Independence, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Death is a freedom, only given to some living, on a planet where the odds are zero to one, if your think your are mistaken when the wicked witch crows,through a child's eyes there really was no death road, all I can say is there’s no place like heaven if your thinking bout home, when you live in a wasteland with where love is yet to be known, the old man once said if your walking all alone, there’s no place to go till the you drop everything and go,a child says I love you but if you saw through a their eyes everything thing would be rainbows, unicorns, and puppy dog eyes, to live amongst life you may think about religion, truth is no one can tell if there’s heaven or hell, so live through the good times and take the burn of the bad, when you sit here and think about it and wonder like me what if there is no afterlife would I have lived more pleasantly, no thoughts of madness no words of lies just best friends forever and only one eternal goodbye, the wicked and the ungrateful will live at their peak of sadness and regret when they loose what’s import, and your forget what is said through the death of all men and the breaking of bread,the words I say to you now are live everyday like a birthday, christmas, summer, or spring day through a child's eyes, where only happiness and freedom live through all odds.

The author's comments:
Thinking about childhood there was no worries just naps and play time. I mean do you ever think about consequences as a kid most people would say no and everything you see when your little has a little more color a little more fun and a little more love.

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