Fairytale Hatred | Teen Ink

Fairytale Hatred

December 16, 2010
By Identity33 BRONZE, Warrenton, Virginia
Identity33 BRONZE, Warrenton, Virginia
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Maybe one day you will understand what you did to this silly little fish. But before that day, I&#039;m sure you will catch a hundred more.&quot;<br /> -Bridget G.

Hatred is constantly filling me up,
from my eyelashes to my feet.

Of all the ways I will myself,
there's no other way to be.

I hate who I am
and who I've become

I hate giving in
to whatever may come.

I hate that as long
and as hard I may try.

Saying, "I'm good enough for you"
will always be a lie.

You are steadfast.
You are able and strong.

And I am just here
trying hard to hold on.

Life is always worth living
within your own heart.

I want to be happy
but dont know where to start.

You let people in
you love, and you trust.

I shut people out,
Its unfair and unjust.

Your mind is open.
You believe, have hope.

My mind is locked shut,
I gave up long ago.

But reality's real.
It's a pain in the a**.

Because you'll be called first.
and I'll be called last.

Youre genuine, honest.
Filled with intrigue.

Because I am worthless,
youre out of my league.

None of this would matter
in a fairytale scene.

Youre the perfect prince,
and I am just me.

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