The truth lies beneath it all | Teen Ink

The truth lies beneath it all

December 23, 2010
By CrystalDoll2013 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
CrystalDoll2013 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
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It's amazing how 1 person has the power to change your life; it's even more amazing how that 1 person doesn't even realize what they've done & whether it being a good or bad thing only you have the power to decide if it'll benefit you or damage you.

There's a story behind the eyes you see.
But no one seems to find out what that might be; better yet no one seems to listen or care.
My stories tell secrets, they spill the dirt.
It's important and has reasons behind it all.
They ask me why I keep myself bottled up.
My response is quick and easy.
This world is filled with cruel lies and hate, does anyone really care anymore?
Now I know people say they are different, that they actually care for others.
The thing is, you never know when they can twist it up, turn it around, and change.
Sometimes the only person you can depend on is yourself.
To me the world goes 'round and I go with it.
My fantasy world is no match to the real deal.
They say life isn't easy and you have to try hard.
When you already have given it your all, what's left to accomplish?
My days go on, and I try to keep a steady beat like a drum's soft rhythm.
The best I can do is smile and act like I'm doing great.
My happiness has never lasted long.
Something always comes down and crushes my hopes and dreams.
All I want in life is to be happy.
I guess that's my new goal.
What shall I do when that dream is ruined too?

The author's comments:
I don't really know what inspired me to write this, I was just in class one day and I wrote down the first line. After that it all just came to me. There is more to everyone then what you see. To discover something new, even about yourself, you need to dig a little deeper.

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