An Ode to Harry Potter | Teen Ink

An Ode to Harry Potter

December 26, 2010
By NicoleS PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
NicoleS PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
21 articles 0 photos 46 comments

Favorite Quote:
If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that&#039;s his problem. Love and peace are eternal. <br /> - John Lennon

The Harry Potter series,
Is more than just the best.
This particular series
Clearly beats out all the rest.

It started in Year One,
When the trio was so small,
And over the years they have learned and grown,
Becoming my favorite wizards of all.

The literature is simply superb,
And they reside very close to my heart,
They make me feel like I’m also a wizard,
And along the way, I, too, have mastered the art.

I could go on for hours,
Professing my love for their magic,
But at this very moment in time,
Such a discussion would be simply tragic.

You see, I am rather behind,
For I jumped on the bandwagon too late,
And talking for hours about these wonderful books,
Would be a horrible fate.

As of this moment now,
I am only on book six,
Therefore regarding anything beyond that book,
I am simply out of the mix.

I do not know the fates,
Of the characters I love so dear,
And commercials for Deathly Hallows,
Are things that I deathly fear.

Half-Blood Prince is a wonderful read,
And I really wish I were done,
So that I could go see the first Deathly Hallows,
And not feel excluded from all that fun.

My goal is now to speed-read,
And hurry up with these crucial final two,
So that I can attend the Deathly Hallows Part 2 premiere,
Like all the other dedicated wizards will do.

The author's comments:
as of october 2010 :)

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on Jul. 2 2022 at 12:17 am
Me2008 PLATINUM, Houghton, New York
23 articles 106 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
And one day, the girl with the books became the woman writing them.

I love this poem so much! I am such a Harry Potter nerd it’s not even funny! I could talk about those books for hours in end too 😊😊 Great job, you are an awesome writer👍