Control | Teen Ink


January 19, 2011
By CrystalDoll2013 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
CrystalDoll2013 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's amazing how 1 person has the power to change your life; it's even more amazing how that 1 person doesn't even realize what they've done & whether it being a good or bad thing only you have the power to decide if it'll benefit you or damage you.

It's amazing how one person has the power to change your life. It's even more amazing how that person does not even realize what they've done. Whether it being a good or bad thing.

I know the person who changed mine doesn't even know the damage he left behind. My tears roll down my cheeks because of all that can not be fixed. But I won't cry anymore. I am strong, I have the power to my own life. I control my own destiny. And he did not win. Because in my life, he is soon to be gone. "Out of sight, out of mind." So easy to say but so hard to actually do. But it will be done. I am strong.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I went through a pretty tough heart-break. As I was writing this, I realized, people in life come and go. And most will effect your life. But only you can decide if you would like to keep that person around.

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