Lift the moon | Teen Ink

Lift the moon

January 26, 2011
By Aricia SILVER, Shoreline, Washington
Aricia SILVER, Shoreline, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Together we can lift the moon back into the skies.

The rain keeps falling.
The screams keep coming.
The sun keeps shinning.

Darkness closes in,
The stars are going dark,
And the moon is failing.

Families are falling apart.
The green world is dying.
And yet,
The sun still shines.

Together we can lift the moon back into the skies.

No light left in the night.
The stars have fallen.
So busy with their lives,
Don’t notice.

The sun still shines,
But it shines on a weary,
Worn land.
The green world is dying,
Never to grow again.

The few who look up,
And smile at the beautiful light,
Know the sun will stop shinning.
If we can’t stand together.

Together we can lift the moon back into the skies.

The few pull together.
A great effort.
Hundreds stand,
But still few know.
Few see.

Hands held.
Hearts beating.
Breath coming.
Feet moving.
Strength growing.

Standing together,
In the darkness of night,
We can relight,
The fallen stars.

Together we can lift the moon back into the skies.

When your life is everything,
You stop seeing the birds,
The animals,
The green, living world.

When your world turns gray,
Take your friends hand,
Call for the others,
Hold on tight,
Smile at the sun,
Relight the stars,
And raise the moon,

The author's comments:
This poem is about pollution and how no one ever seems to notice the beautiful place we live in anymore. The world is truly amazing.

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