Where Did You Go? | Teen Ink

Where Did You Go?

February 17, 2011
By SalenaMarie GOLD, Kenai, Alaska
SalenaMarie GOLD, Kenai, Alaska
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where did you go?
I saw you just yesterday,
We laughed and hugged, we had a great time,
We went to school and went our separate ways,
Where did you go?
I miss you.

I caught you in the hall just before you drove away,
We hugged each other and fixed our hair,
We told each other we would call that night,
Then you left for your appointment,
Where did you go?
I miss you

It is now November 3rd,
Your scream to me was never heard,
I called you last night why didn’t you answer?
Grandma called and told me you were in a better place,
A place where you didn’t feel pain,
It was then I knew I would never see you again.
Where did you go?
I miss you.

My eyes filled with tears,
You had been on my mind all day,
I wanted to tell you the news.
I got an A on a test,
I will never get to tell you now,
Where did you go?
I miss you.

There are nights now I feel pain,
The pain of losing a friend, a sister,
The nights I cry all night missing you,
The nights I feel like I can’t go on without you,
The nights I need to call you but I know I can’t.
Where did you go?
I miss you.

I remember the fun we had,
The days we spent together,
The classes we giggled and laughed through,
The times we cut each others hair.
Those fights we had are coming back to haunt me.
Where did you go?
I miss you.

The pain of it all is getting too much to bear,
I want to go to the place where you are at,
Suicide sometimes feels like the best answer to get there,
I know you don’t want me to.
Where did you go?
I miss you.

As the time goes by the pain should get less,
Everybody tells me that one simple line,
They don’t know the pain I am going through,
The pain of your death doesn’t subside,
It only gets worse and worse as the days go by.
Where did you go?
I miss you.

Why did you have to die in a car accident?
Why did you leave me here on this earth with out you?
What about our plans of traveling the world,
Don’t you remember our promises we made,
You have broken them without knowing it.
Where did you go?
I miss you.

Is there really a place called heaven?
Are you waiting there for me?
Is there really a true and real god?
If god is real why did he take you from me?
Couldn’t he see I still needed you?
Can he feel my pain, can’t he see it?
Where did you go?
I miss you.

Come back so I look at you face on last time.
Come back so I can laugh with you one last time.
Come back so we can sing together one last time.
Come back so I don’t have to feel this pain anymore.
Where did you go?
I miss you.

The author's comments:
This was written for my best friend who died in a car accident November2,2010.

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