February 17, 2011
By SalenaMarie GOLD, Kenai, Alaska
SalenaMarie GOLD, Kenai, Alaska
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She sits there,
She continues to stare,
She stares back,
Back into her life,
Her once happy, carefree life now ruined.

Her childhood once happy,
Now Gone,
Gone with that choice,
That choice of the party,
That choice of what drink to have,
That choice, the power to say no.

She sits there, belly now big,
Big with a new life,
That life that changed hers forever,
The life who shows her true friends,
The friends who still stand with her now,
The life shows her the true world.

She knows her choice won't vanish,
Won't vanish over night,
Just won't fix itself the next day,
Her choice, now blessing will be there,
It will be there for the rest of her life,
Her mistake is now the best thing she has.

Her parents are disowning her,
Disappointed in her choices,
Her mistakes she made,
Her new life she is now carrying,
Is soon to be her only family,
Her only family is now a life inside of her.

She wishes she could go back,
Go back and relive that night,
That night with so many choices,
Her one bad choice lead another,
Another that will change hers forever,
Forever her child will be here.

She looks at her belly,
Where her hands gently rest,
She feels the baby kick,
She smiles and looks down,
She looks down and says,
I wouldn’t give you up for anything.

She tells her baby,
It is only me and you now,
I promise no more,
No more stupid teenage choices,
You will have a life,
A good responsible life with me.

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