Go With Me... | Teen Ink

Go With Me...

March 19, 2011
By Katelynmbradley GOLD, Folsom, California
Katelynmbradley GOLD, Folsom, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about the number of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away!"

Summer, the essence of my breath. It pulls me closer day by day.
I feel it as I watch the sun set. Sitting next to you by the river.
We still feel the coolness of the wind but in the sun we see, summer, the beginning of our destinies.
I cannot believe that it is you I can share this moment with. I hold it dear.
My past may not be one for the storybooks. My heart was once whole but then was broken.
I can’t seem to move on. I want to let you in, but will you hurt me too.
Trust was put out then slapped in my face.
That was the cold months; I’m ready for summer, is it ready for me.
Time is for the hopeless, the future for me is eternity.
Life takes on a new meaning with you.
I can let go, being myself is easier with my new desires.
Just as I feel the sun on my cheeks, I see my beginning arising from beneath my memories.
I want to make up for moments lost; love is my heart’s new breath.
Time will always tell, ask me to go with you and maybe our lives will further with the rising sun.

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