Break Your Away | Teen Ink

Break Your Away

March 25, 2011
By Tokiohotelgirl BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
Tokiohotelgirl BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
whats a facebook?<br /> Bill Kaulitz

Your blood lines will hold me no more.
My final day has come, my leash cut.
I want to feel alive, your command I will not answer.
Your truths I will not swallow. The lies I have too long absorbed.
I run free out of control unleashed tonight.
Your game becomes my fight.
Air I feel, freedom no one knows.
Your grip on my throat leaves scars.
But those claws I will feel no more.
A new heaven I will find.
Where demons do not bite or scratch my soul.
Breaking away, I will not love you anymore.
No more looking through jaded eyes.
Leaving now, on the roof so high.
Here again for one final goodbye.
Your world can go into a dark hell.
Carrying on is me living on.
Rewind will not me my mode of life.
Unfulfilled roads will be retraced.
My voice is not one, but others will hear.
Freaks of nature we will not fit in.
Shouts that people will soon fear.
We will stand up against those who wrong.
Hey you, all that you've got ready or not, louder we come.
Touch me. I bleed, a human I am.
Love is a game for everyone.
I intend to play my cards.
We've just surfaced come pain or blood.
Your understanding we need not.
A tragedy or comedy we perform.
The end of time we will never reach.
Our escape we fulfil till the end of forever.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I feel so trapped in life, I want to break free, from all rules, systems, and lies. I loved writing this.

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