Life of a lover lost | Teen Ink

Life of a lover lost

April 27, 2011
By Nyyankeez5000 SILVER, Rocky Point, New York
Nyyankeez5000 SILVER, Rocky Point, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Like a soldier on the frontlines<br /> i battle with each of my lines<br /> its a battle i fight to win<br /> but a war i&#039;ve lost within<br /> ~Myself

The voices in my head begin
again i sit in a dark room
dark lights and false hope
I stand tall
life slips
I torture myself with each thought
your in my head and burning a whole
you left your mark with a smirk
my soul becomes scarred
you walk away
my mind is a dark place
my body wanders carelessly
while my soul searches of something to ease the pain
i can remember the day
when my life began to decay
It was as if i seized to exist
living in a fog not a mist
a dose of my addiction
i knew i should of run
you stand before me as my drug
and a feeling i just cant shrug
i dose of poison to settle the mood
please do not think me rude
for its just pills to ease the pain
much like the sound of rain
my head throbs with false hope
i take these just so i can cope
this is where i stand in sorrow
hoping to see you tomorrow
the day of me and you will never come
so i took the pills and begin to go numb
and thats how love goes
just chasing shadows
you think you had the game
but you didn't play
watching her walk away
wishing you were blind
because its a struggle between
the heart and the mind
a battle fought in the soul
of which you already lost control
you lie to yourself
to keep your health
but in the end its just false hope
the best thing for me is to forget
the girl i've come to regret
i love you.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a class assignment, it was supposed to be written as something that is always with you in life. This is about a girl who will haunt me for ever. I will always love her. I do not do drugs, its a metaphor for my addiction to her.

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