You Actually Saved Me | Teen Ink

You Actually Saved Me

May 4, 2011
By Katelyn.Will.Likely.-Soledad BRONZE, Cameron, Wisconsin
Katelyn.Will.Likely.-Soledad BRONZE, Cameron, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
[Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life.]<br /> William Faulkner

This heart wasn’t meant to be broken, but I’m glad you took the liberty. I wasn’t meant to be happy with you. You’ve opened up my eyes, but you took my heart out of business. But I won’t stop smiling just because you sold me out. If anything, it’s a chance to start all over without you, and I’ve never been so glad to be alone. When you thought you were destroying me, you actually saved me from yourself. You might not know it, and I won’t be the one to tell you, but you’re my hero. And I may not have anything else, but it’s better than having you. So when you sit alone with nobody but your secondary people, and when I’m all alone, I’m the one wearing the smile. It’s not that I like to see you miserable, but it’s definitely a perk. You did this to yourself. Thank you for saving me. You are infectious and manipulating, and you have a web of lies, but I’m the liar, right? It wasn’t about believing your lies, it was about trusting that you wouldn’t lie, but you did. And I knew, but I never let you in on my secret. They can have you, I don’t want to ‘cause the burden was too big. Tell me, how does it feel to know that I’m just damn fine without you?

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