A Prayer | Teen Ink

A Prayer

May 24, 2011
By Trishta SILVER, Pasadena, California
Trishta SILVER, Pasadena, California
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life&#039;s a b**ch. You&#039;ve got to go out and kick a**. <br /> Maya Angelou

An empty void lurks in stomachs of starving children
So I Pray.
A mother tears gently caresses the lifeless body of her son
So I Pray.
Abandoned babies cry tears of plead in the garbage they are left in
So I Pray.
Cheated out of his grueling work, and reward of money, a father cannot aid his family
So I Pray.
A young girl’s bones fall apart as the whip “teaches her a lesson”
So I Pray.
But what good can a prayer do?

The author's comments:
A prayer gives us hope, but we're not the ones who need it. All teenagers have an opportunity to help others in need; please do whatever you can to help your community and your world.

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