I think... | Teen Ink

I think...

May 19, 2011
By MissUnderstoodd PLATINUM, Cedarhurst, New York
MissUnderstoodd PLATINUM, Cedarhurst, New York
20 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Understanding is the key to acceptance and only with acceptance can there be recovery" --Albus Dumbledore

I think…

That though things are tough, there is an end to it all

Though it looks hopeless, you are not going to fall

Though you want to stop trying and sit back on the ground

I know you dont want to be lost, you just want to be found

Although you dont realize how capable you are

There are people who KNOW you and know you’ll go far

They wont doubt you or judge you or call you bad names

They wont fight you or yell at you for who you became

It’s who you’ll BECOME that matters because the future holds it all

Every success that you have, no matter how small

You can do it, I know it; even though it seems so far

You are strong, I believe that; I know who you really are

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