Forbidden Love | Teen Ink

Forbidden Love

June 6, 2011
By CrystalDoll2013 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
CrystalDoll2013 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
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It's amazing how 1 person has the power to change your life; it's even more amazing how that 1 person doesn't even realize what they've done & whether it being a good or bad thing only you have the power to decide if it'll benefit you or damage you.

What would you do

for one last kiss,

one last hug,

one last touch.

Would you give it all up

for one more chance

to be in your lover's arms?

One last night that

will last forever.

Full of love, passion

and lust that you both

deeply crave for.

To be with her Romeo

she drinks a sleeping potion.

Thinking she was dead he

drinks a death potion.

Little did he know that

she would awaken to

find him dead by her side.

And with that, she grabbed his dagger,

finding its way inside her body

they both lie dead in each others arms.

If that's not true love

then I don't know what is.

How far are people willing to go

to be with the one

person who everyone

is trying to tear apart.

How do you make others

understand that its

meant to be even

though others don't see it.

You can not help who

you fall in love with

whether its right or wrong.

But I'm just wondering

why anyone would kill

for a taste of true love?

What exactly is true love and

just how dangerous is it?

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