A Personal Book | Teen Ink

A Personal Book

June 9, 2011
By MissUnderstoodd PLATINUM, Cedarhurst, New York
MissUnderstoodd PLATINUM, Cedarhurst, New York
20 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Understanding is the key to acceptance and only with acceptance can there be recovery" --Albus Dumbledore

I read a book today,
It reminded me of me.
It was about a girl who was lost in life,
Wondering when the confusion would end finally.

This girl, she was frustrated,
Because her mind played tricks on her.
It made her feel things she never felt,
Made her thoughts into one big blur.

This girl, she was disgusted,
Because she had let someone hurt her bad.
They took advantage of her,
And now this girl was mad.

This girl, she was in pain,
She let it out on herself.
She wanted to give up,
She pushed away the ones who wanted to help.

This girl, she had scars,
Up and down her arm.
She longed to do it again,
She just wanted to cause herself harm.

I read a book today,
It reminded me of me.
On the front cover I saw my name,
Because that book was my diary.

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