Barack Obama | Teen Ink

Barack Obama

June 27, 2011
By kate_ebel13 SILVER, Adelanto, California
kate_ebel13 SILVER, Adelanto, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Death is but the next great adventure"

Tell me what I want to hear,
and not what you think is good for me.
I'm not a child.
I can handle what you say.

You're supposed to be my leader.
I'm supposed to trust you in every way.
But I don't.
You treat me like a child.
Like I can't handle what you say.

You make bad choices,
and ruin people's lives.
It has only gotten worse out here
in the real world
While you sit in a private jet.
You're going to tax me for my "carbon footprint"
when I can't even afford gas money,
let alone a plane ticket.
Because of you, I've had to grow up.
I can't be a child anymore.
So trust me, I can handle what you say.

I'm not the only one you treat like a child.
It's the whole country.
Men and women,
each and every one, smarter than you.

A Nobel Peace Prize?
For what?
Being the first black president?

So someday, when I'm the first female president,
will I get a prize too?
I'll be too busy saving the country
from all of your crap.

So thank you sir,
for treating me like a child.
Because now I don't want to handle what you say.
I'm going to find out for myself.

The author's comments:
If you couldn't tell from this, I'm Republican. These are just my views and my individual opinion.

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