The Clock | Teen Ink

The Clock

June 27, 2011
By kate_ebel13 SILVER, Adelanto, California
kate_ebel13 SILVER, Adelanto, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Death is but the next great adventure"

Tick Tick Tick...
Tock Tock Tock...

Time flies when your having fun
they say.
But it doesn't.
It just keeps going,

Tick Tick Tick...
Tock Tock Tock...

Why is it slowing down?
Seconds turn into days,
Minutes into years,
Hours into eternities.

Longer and longer the day gets.
Never-ending and I fear
that it will keep going forever.

Please, make that clock go


Faster and faster.
Blending together. So that
Eternities will turn into hours,
Years into minutes,
Days into seconds.

Just whatever you do,
stop that clock from going

Tick Tick Tick...
Tock Tock Tock...

The author's comments:
Just feeling a little restless...

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